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(SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Test)


- 未有發燒
- 未有出現呼吸道感染、
- 過去十四天內未曾前往出現 2019冠狀病毒病活躍社區傳播的地區之人士


  • 醫療中心駐診醫生(診所或網上會診乙次)

  • 深喉唾液測試, 和

  • 測試報告。



  1. Any medical or healthcare information provided above is for reference only. Pioneer MedLab Healthcare Services Limited. does not represent and/or warrant that any such information will meet your health or medical requirements or travelling issue.

  2. Any such information is NOT intended for use in diagnosing or treating any medical or health conditions, and is NOT a substitute for qualified professional medical or healthcare advice and should not be relied on as such.

  3. You should always seek professional advice from a qualified medical professional or other healthcare service provider regarding any question which you may have on a medical or health requirement or condition. 

Man Wearing Protective Mask
2019冠狀病毒測試: Services

醫 療 中 心 駐 診 醫 生


「診所」 或 「網上會診」 一 次

地點: 路加醫療中心

地址: 新界葵涌葵富路7-11號葵涌廣場2樓C50-53A, 8-9號鋪

Image by ThisisEngineering RAEng

深 喉 唾 液 測 試

​(Deep Throat Saliva)

​自取樣本瓶後, 需自行繳交樣本瓶予相關認可化驗所的「指定收集中心」, 進行測試。

Customer Service Rep

測 試 報 告

​( Test Result Report )


或 自取報告

屆時收到報告後, 由專人致電您確定並已經收取。

2019冠狀病毒測試: Products

“你的藍天, 你的健康, 我們用專業守護你的健康。”

- 雲青醫務化驗

2019冠狀病毒測試: Quote
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